
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Merchant Of Venice Act 3 Scene 4-5 Reflection

This time questions for scene four and five.

What is Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio?
Lorenzo thinks Antonio is a really nice guy and a gentleman.

What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do?
Go to the nunnery and wait there for her husband to come back.

What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?
She asks them to look after her house while she is away.

Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike?
She said "Which makes me think this Antonio, being the bosom lover of my lord, must needs be like my lord."

Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?
So they seem accomplished in something their not.

In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia describe the behaviour and attitudes of young men.
She describes them as confident outgoing people that like to brag a lot.

Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behaviour of a wife?
No, she is bold and outgoing and likes being the boss of people so she will probably stay that way.
In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity?
Because if all the Jews became christians the price of pork would go up.

What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?
She thinks of here as a heavenly lady.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Self Directed Learning Goal

I didn't read three peoples lines so I just want to read a lot this week.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Merchant Of Venice Act 3 Scene 2 reflection

The questions for Scene 2

Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?
She doesn't want Bassanio to leave so soon if he does pick the wrong casket.

What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets?, find the quotes in the text to support your thinking.
Thou gaudy gold, hard food for Midas, I will none of thee; nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge 'tween man and man: but thou, thou meagre lead, which rather threat'nest than dost promise aught, thy paleness moves me more than eloquence.

What does Portia’s speech A3S2 L166-174 reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage.
They are property to the men.

What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on?
Bassanio had to marry Portia.

How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news?
Bassanio went really pale when he read the letter.

What help does Portia offer straightaway?
She wants to give him lots of money to save his friend.

Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
Shylock really wants a pound of flesh from Antonio.

Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth?
Yes, she liked him all ready.