
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Abomination Novel Studies

For english we will be starting a novel study task on the story Abomination by Robert Swindells. But before we start the teacher asked us to answer some questions about the cover of the book.

here is the cover:
Related image

What do you think the story will be about?
A super human warrior fighting against gladiator and the lead up to it.

How do you think this story will be written?

In first person view.

Why do you think the story is entitled as it is?

Because it is about what I said earlier.

Where do you think the story will take place?

I think the story will take place in Rome.

What time period do you think the story is set in?

Roman gladiator times.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Critical Questioning Matrix

For English today we have to answer questions of our choice about a few things of our choice. Two ads or one short text and one music video. I has chosen to do the second choice one short text and one music video.

First the short text:

Why are you reading this text?
Because Patricia Grace is a great author and the text sounded interesting.

What does the author want us to know?
That things don't have to be spazzy and new to be cool.

What kind of language is used in the text?
The kind of language you would find in a professional book.

How does the text construct a version of reality?
The fact that it's like the real life of a normal couple of kids enjoying their Christmas present in the part at the end.

Here is a link to the story so you can read it yourself LINK.

Second the music video:

What do the words suggest?
That the guy didn't do much to please the girl so she left.

What is the video about, how do you know?
About being broken up with because he says a lot of things about losing someone.

What kinds of social realities does this video portray?
The fact that lots of people go through break up.

Who is the most likely audience of this video and why?
Others with girlfriends so they don't make the same mistake.

Here is a link to the video so you can watch it yourself LINK.

We are also finishing our crash course on critical literacy so we also have to do a reflection.

What do you think Critical Literacy is?
I think critical literacy is figuring out if something is real or fake and what the text means.

What did you learn during Critical Literacy?
Just because something sounds real doesn't mean it is.

What did you find challenging during Critical Literacy?
Finishing stuff.

How will you use Critical Literacy skills in real life?
To figure out if something is real or not.

What are you looking forward to in English this year?
Novel study and creative writing

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


What is a Scientist?

I think a scientist is a crazy lab coat wearing person that does stuff with stuff. I think their job is to find out stuff about what people call magics. They cover a lot of topics like health, biology, astronomy and geology.

Mr Google says that a scientist is a person that studies or has expert knowledge on natural or physical sciences.

An Egg sample of a scientist is Isaac Newton he found out about gravity and created the three laws of movement the most well known being the third law.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Critical Literacy Practice

For this task we had to look at a news article and try and figure out if it was real or not.

Image result for millions abandoned cars in germany

This was the article which is fake, rather than Germans it was in fact a picture of a large traffic jam in China from 2010. There was probably a reason they posted it like them being angry at rising fuel prices.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Factual or Satirical news sites

Today we are checking to see if we can find the difference between factual and satirical posts.

The onion
What does the website look like?
Like a news site.
What photos is it using?
A photo of a man being surrounded by drones flying past.
What headlines are they sharing?
A headline that looks like it should be part of the story.
Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website?

The New York times
What does the website look like?
Like a news site.
What photos is it using?
A picture of a room filled with people.
What headlines are they sharing?
Something that sounds like you would find in the paper.
Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website?

The Civilian
What does the website look like?
Like a news site.
What photos is it using?
A horse race.
What headlines are they sharing?
That the winner ran round in circles.
Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website?

Daily Mail
What does the website look like?
Still like a news site.
What photos is it using?
Three pictures of a person with text at the bottom.
What headlines are they sharing?
Too long for some one to want to read.
Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website?

Five things you could use to check if a News Site is real of not:
  1. Check if it sounds believable.
  2. Check all the facts carefully.
  3. Check if the headline sounds like a headline you would find in the paper.
  4. Check another website with a story on the same topic and see if they're similar.
  5. Check down the side of the site and see if there are any non believable posts.

What am I learning?
Critical thinking.
How does this work show my learning?
Because you have to think carefully too make sure you don't accept fake news.
What am I wondering?
Why do people set up fake news sites.