Activity 1: VE Day!
After six long years of fighting, World War II finally came to an end in 1945. The entire country was ecstatic and parties were thrown all over New Zealand to celebrate VE Day (Victory in Europe). Imagine that you were living in New Zealand in 1945 and you had to plan a VE day party at your house. Who would you invite? What would you do to celebrate?
On your blog, tell us all about your (imaginary) VE party. If it was me, I would invite all of my closest friends and family over to my house for a big barbecue. We would eat hamburgers and play basketball in the driveway. Some of us would probably walk to the local beach to play soccer on the beach and to go for a swim (if the weather was warm enough)!
If I had a VE party I would invite all my friends from primary school to have a spot of lunch. Stuff like: Pizza, sandwiches and fruit. Then head someplace to play some games like an arcade so it won't be weather dependant.
Activity 2: Making a Fashion Statement
In the years following World War II, things slowly returned to normal in New Zealand. Soldiers returned home and settled back into regular life; and national sporting teams, like the New Zealand cricket team, got back together and started playing matches again. In the late 1940s, men and women would go to watch these events, men wearing hats and suits and women wearing dresses, hats, and gloves.
Compare the pictures of common clothing from the late 1940s to what you wear now (i.e. in 2017). Are they similar or are they quite different?
They are very different and everybody has different looks.
On your blog tell us which of the two styles you prefer and why. The pictures above were taken over 65 years ago! What do you think people will be wearing 65 years from now?
I would prefer the one on the left because they all look slightly different rather than really similar.
I think 65 years from now people are going to be wearing electronic boots that allow them to walk on holographic paths. Shirts that carry wifi for your devices and pants that let you float. Gloves that work like credit cards and a pokeball belt to hold your Pokémon in their pokeballs.