
Monday, January 8, 2018

Summer Learning Journey day 1 (Another next week)

In the 1950s, things settled down in New Zealand. There were no international wars or intense, national conflicts. Many kiwis were able to settle down, get married, buy a home and start a family.

Activity 1: Meat and Three Veg

It was common for women in the 1950s to stay home with their children and raise their family. They were called ‘housewives.’ Many housewives followed a simple rule when they prepared the evening meal: the ‘meat and three veg’ rule. This meant that they prepared dinners that included three different vegetables and a type of meat (eg. beef, lamb, or chicken).

On your blog tell us if you think that the ‘meat and three veg’ rule is a good one. Do you like the rule? Would you enjoy eating a typical 1950s dinner? Why or why not?

I think the meat and three veg rule is a good idea because you get what you need to grow big and strong. I like the rule it is good but I like other things that aren't on the plate. For example: Hot chips, spaghetti and macaroni.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Thomas,

    Jade F here from the Summer Learning journey Team! Well done on completing another activity. I thought your response to the one meat, three veggies rule was well thought out. I agree that I would prefer to have other things on my plate like a salad or chips with my meat and veges too. If you had to design a perfect dinner using the one meat, three veggies rule what would it look like? I would choose chicken with potato, broccoli and cauliflower!

    Looking forward to hearing from you and keep up the blog posting!
    Jade F :)


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