
Thursday, August 17, 2017

exploding coke
aim: to see if  coke explodes when as mentos lolly b is dropped into it using different temperatures and different kinds of coke.

The coke will explode and it will go over 10 cm.


Coke Mentos
Measuring flask

Task 1:

Task 2:
  1. heat up 150ml in a beaker of coke(using a thermometer to heat it to 15 degrees).
  2. place the beaker in the sink and add mentos.

6 Mentos lollies were dropped into a bottle of coke. the height of the fountain of coke was measured in centimetres.
A Mentos was crushed and dropped into the coke. This showed no result.

48c m
Crushed Mentos
No result
Coke Zero
44 cm
heated to 15 degrees
nothing but a few bubbles
this was the result of the heated experiment

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Scientific Method

Aim: to compare the boiling point of tap water and salt water

Hypothesis: I think salt water will be higher because the salt might give ti a boost

150 mls of tap water
2 teaspoons of salt
2 beakers with water
Bunsen burner
Bunsen burner tripod
heat resistant mat
gauze mat


  1. collect equipment
  2. attach bunsen burner to a gas tap
  3. fill two beakers with water
  4. add salt to one beaker and mix
  5. place the beaker with tap water on the tripod
  6. place bunsen burner on the heat mat under neath
  7. light the bunsen burner and adjust the flame to blue
  8. as it heats up place the thermometer in the beaker of water until it is boiling
  9. record results on blog
  10. repeat the process with salt water

Tap water: The tap water boiled at 100 degrees.

Salt water: The salt water boiled at 99 degrees.
So the tap water boiled higher.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Orana wildlife park

On Monday the 7th of August the year 7's and 8's went to Orana Wildlife Park. At Orana there were lots of animals including rhinos, zebras, lions, tigers, Tasmanian devils and geckos. We were mostly looking at endangered animals and talking about what made them endangered. We used H.I.P.P.O which stands for Habitat loss, Introductions, Population growth, Pollution and Overexploitation. It was a lot of fun, there were sooo many things to look at. We started of by eating morning tea then we went down to see the cheaters. After the cheaters we saw the

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Maths For The Week

Maths For The Week
This is the maths I had for the week it's not done but its getting there.

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Bunsen Burner

✔ the location of the lab fire  extinguisher and safety blanket is known

hands on fire!

hands on fire
Aim: I want to safely be able to set myself on fire.

Soap (detergent)
Safety glasses
Lab coat

  1. Be safe.
  2. Wet your hands wrists and forearms.
  3. Grab a scoop of bubbles.
  4. Hold the bubbles up in front of your face as far away from you as you can.

It was really scary.
This is what you do.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

dry ice experiments

Dry ice and water
Aim: to watch dry ice and water mix to make coloured bubbles
  1. Dry ice
  2. 80mls water
  3. 3 drops food colouring
  4. Detergent
  5. Measurement beaker
  6. Ice cream container
We did it but a problem happened in the sink.
Aug 3, 2017 12:59:40 PM.jpg

Which gas is heaviest?
Aim: to find out which gas is heaviest out of CO2 and O2.
  1. Test tube
  2. Test tube rack
  3. Dry ice
  4. Water
  5. balloon
We used gas to blow up a balloon.

Aug 3, 2017 1:17:51 PM.jpg