
Monday, May 21, 2018

Artwork brainstorm

In art we had to create a brainstorm about us so we could create a logo from one of the ideas here is mine:

Friday, May 18, 2018

Reading screencastify

for reading we had to make a screencastify about what scienctists thought about the earthquakes here is mine:

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Making an emergency kit

today's task was to create an infografic on piktochart about making a survival this is mine so far:

Friday, May 11, 2018

logo research

Image result for clever logo designs black and whiteImage result for clever logo designs black and white
                                                            I like the logo above because it looks
                                                            like a power button with a flower stem.
Image result for clever logo designs black and whiteImage result for clever logo designs black and whiteImage result for clever logo designs black and whiteImage result for clever logo designs black and white
I Like the logo above because you     I like the above design because owls
can see a panda and an island.            are said to be wise and its a pencil.
Image result for clever logo designs black and whiteImage result for clever logo designs black and whiteImage result for clever logo designs black and whiteImage result for clever logo designs black and white

Monday, May 7, 2018

lino printing

in a few weeks we will be doing lino cutting here is a video on how to do it:

what I think my teacher is doing right now.

Today we all had to make a toondoo and write some text on what we thought our teacher was doing here is mine:

I think my teacher is sink in bed but is using cameras she planted around the room to spy on all the children. She is also using small robots to make a machine to punish all the children who have been naughty today. That is what I think my teacher is doing today what do you think.

Friday, May 4, 2018

For Reading

In reading we read an article and then we did some tasks, here is mine:

“Although the technology is almost here, bringing back the Moa would
be a huge venture. It would take a large team of scientists and cost a
lot of money. There would also be no guarantee of success – and many
embryos and even live chicks would die during the process.”
- Return of the Moa (Berentson)

Your task is to write a persuasive paragraph telling the reader whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to bring back the Moa based on the quote above.
Complete your writing on this Google Doc.

I don’t think bringing back the Moa is a very good idea because it may change people's point of view to extinct animals. If Moa were brought back many endangered animals might stop being protected because people will know they can be brought back. If animals that were hunted were brought back wouldn’t they be hunted again? Would bringing the Moa back work because there is no guarantee of success? Anyway how would we know if it would work and they might ruin the lifestyle of other animals. Also in the short time that the Moa have been dead their food might have changed or died. Anyway we don’t know what they ate. That is why I don’t think bringing back the Moa would be a good idea.